Welcome to the Shunyi Running Circuit, a collection of low-key short races! 

Hosted by the Shunyi High Intensity Trainers Running Group - Join us on Strava or WeChat (msg matthewyamatin)


2017-2018 Schedule And RESULTS 

Back to School 5K @ 8AM Saturday, September 23 - Results

Yosemite 3K @ 4:00PM Friday, October 13 - Results

Shine Hills 8K @ 10AM Saturday, November 11

Wenyu River 5K @ 8AM Saturday, March 24

The Meek Metric Mile (1.5K) @ 4PM Friday, April 27

Clean Skies 10K @ 8AM Saturday, May 26

General Information

Races open to walkers/runners of all ability levels
No registration/fee - just show up on the day of the race
Strava segments are created for each race course


Races canceled for AQI > 200 two hours prior to race
Participants encouraged to wear masks for AQI > 150

AQI is measured from the Shunyi New Town monitoring station using the US AQI scale. 

Back to School 5k

Race Time: 8AM on Saturday, September 23
Location: ISB Main Gate

A stroll around ISB and the surrounding residential complexes marks the opening race of the circuit. A 5K is the perfect distance to easy back into the new year, whether you were training over the summer break or just laced up those running shoes for the first time in a while. Do not expect any scenic views here, this is all about the run (or walk)!

Race Director(s): Matthew Yamatin

Yosemite 3k

Race Time: 4:30PM on Friday, October 13
Location: ISB West Gate

Our second race brings us to Ed Hillman's ol' ISB Cross Country time trial course. With only a single loop around Yosemite on the menu, this race is sure to get your blood pumping and feet moving!

Race Director(s): Matthew Yamatin

Shine hills 8k

Race Time: 10AM on Saturday, November 11
Location: Shine Hills Mall - Gather at the Dunkin' Donuts or Starbucks

The third race of the circuit adds a bit of distance before the winter hiatus. The course consists of two loops around the Shine Hills canal footpath, the first in a clockwise direction and the second counterclockwise for a change of scenery. The race ends conveniently near the mall entrance for quick refueling with food and drinks.  

Race Director(s): Matthew Yamatin

Wenyu River 5k

Race Time: 8AM on Saturday, March 24
Location: Underneath the Jingmi Road Bridge next to Pinnacle Plaza

For the forth race of the circuit, we return to the 5K to say goodbye to winter and welcome warming spring weather. This course explores the new tree lined, scenic Wenyu River Red Trail as a simple out-and-back. Please note that the path gives way to a rocky dirt path in a few locations. 

Race Director(s): To Be Determined


Race Time: 4PM on Friday, April 27
Location: ISB Track, 10 Anhua St

The fifth race of the circuit is named in honor of the founding member and former leader of the Shunyi High Intensity Trainers running group, Anthony Meek. The race will take place on ISB's newly resurfaced outdoor track and consist of 3.75 laps. Multiple heats will be run if needed with each heat not to exceed 16 participates. 

Race Director(s): To Be Determined

CleaN Skies 10K

Race Time: 8AM on Saturday, May 26
Location: ISB Main Gate

The Clean Skies 10K is the sixth and final race of the school year circuit. We call it Clean Skies because it is our hope that the next school year will bring healthier, cleaner skies for everyone to enjoy. Spring also happens to start the period of relatively cleaner skies around Beijing, lasting until through September.  The longest race of the circuit is a stop-light avoiding loop along An Hua Street, HuaSha and Tianbei Highways with start and finish across from ISB.

Race Director(s): To Be Determined